That you have acquired general knowledge and can read and communicate with comprehension and understanding, reason abstractly, and think critically, understand numerical data and statistics, learn independently, identify and or appreciate cultural diversity, develop an individual value method while understanding and maintaining tolerance for others.
A bachelor's degree is not required for JD Law Admission. The Law School requires only one of the following:
• Associate degree
• 60 semester units
• Five years professional or technical management or administrative experience
That you have acquired general knowledge and can read and communicate with comprehension and understanding, reason abstractly, and think critically, understand numerical data and statistics, learn independently, identify and or appreciate cultural diversity, develop an individual value method while understanding and maintaining tolerance for others.
A bachelor's degree is not required for EJD Law Admission. The Law School requires only one of the following:
• Associate degree
• 60 semester units
• Five years professional or technical management or administrative experience
That you have acquired general knowledge and can read and communicate with comprehension and understanding, reason abstractly, and think critically, understand numerical data and statistics, learn independently, identify and or appreciate cultural diversity, develop an individual value method while understanding and maintaining tolerance for others and have one of the following:
• Bachelor degree
• Equivalent of 5 years professional, business, management, industry, government or specialized legal experience
That you have acquired general knowledge and can read and communicate with comprehension and understanding, reason abstractly, and think critically, understand numerical data and statistics, learn independently, identify and or appreciate cultural diversity, develop an individual value method while understanding and maintaining tolerance for others and have one of the following: • High School Diploma/GED & 3 years Work or Professional Experience
• 30 semester units
Admission to Novus Law School is on an Open Admission Basis. However, the Novus Degree law Program is conducted on a one to one teaching basis, and enrollment is limited each term, to available qualified staff, and Program Mentors