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Law Tuition Degree Term & Continuous Monthly Enrollment

Law School tuition is based on a single rate for the entire law degree term. This may be different from what you have seen or experienced at other schools. Novus Law school does not utilize a traditional academic calendar and tuition is not charged on a semester, quarter, or course-by-course basis. Tuition for each degree program is bundled into one, low, economical rate that includes individualized curriculum design, course instruction, program mentor and administrative counseling, student manuals and text selections.

The Law Degree Terms are as follows:

– 24 months accelerated or 32 months non-accelerated from degree term start date.
JD Students can complete their program in as little as 24 months by taking no degree term breaks. All students are placed in the accelerated degree term at registration.
In no event shall more than 24 months of study be allowed for completion of the Juris Doctor program unless pre-approved in writing for degree term breaks.

EJD – 22 months accelerated or 30 months non-accelerated from degree term start date.
EJD students can complete their program in as little as 22 months by taking no degree term breaks.
In no event shall more than 22 months of study be allowed for completion of the Executive Juris Doctor program unless pre-approved in writing.

LLM – 12 months from the degree term start date.
LLM is a non-accelerated program and no degree break is permitted.
In no event shall more than 12 months of study be allowed for completion of the Master of Laws (LLM) program unless pre-approved in writing.

BSL – 12 months from the degree term start date.
BSL is a non-accelerated program and no degree break is permitted.
In no event shall more than 12 months of study be allowed for completion of the Bachelor of Law (BSL) program unless pre-approved in writing.

Degree Term Break is defined as follows:
A Degree Term Break is a break in your course of study (i.e., similar to a summer break in a traditional school year). A degree term break of up to 4 months may be taken within the first 8 months of the degree term start date. Students may take an additional degree term break of up to 4 months within the second 8 months of study. The maximum Degree Term Break is 4 months in each 12 month period for a maximum total of 8 months of break. Students opting to take a Degree Term Break must notify the University in writing 30 days prior to the requested break time and complete the official Degree Term Break form.
A Degree Term Break has to be pre-approved, the student must complete the official Degree Term Break University form prior to the break commencement. Breaks have to be prior to the registered degree term expiration and with time permitting/remaining in the term for the requested break time. No Degree Term Breaks are retroactive.  The Degree Term Breaks are only permitted for the JD and the EJD programs.

Degree Terms are calculated as calendar months from the term start date and based on the degree program registered.  

Only Students in the JD and EJD can utilize Degree Term Break to extend to the non-accelerated degree terms.
All JD and EJD are placed in accelerated degree term at the time of registration.

Programs at Novus Law School are self-paced, with self-paced being defined as follows: (a) there is no classroom attendance required on a weekly or daily basis; (b) academic work can be submitted as personal and professional commitments allow. Programs are required to be completed with the degree term time limit.

Degree terms are noted with a start and end date even if studies are incomplete. Students may complete studies after term has ended through Continuous Monthly Enrollment.

Continuing Monthly Enrollment (CME)
The continuous monthly enrollment has been established to allow students the flexibility to complete remaining course requirements from month-to-month without incurring the total tuition cost of the degree program. The continuous monthly enrollment is only allowed after degree term has expired. If a student's degree program has not been completed within the specified degree term, tuition is charged on a month-to-month basis until the degree program is completed or Official Withdrawal is received.